Doppio Seminario di Geometria: Erwan Rousseau (Brest) e Gianluca Pacienza (Lorraine)

Giovedì 27 Aprile alle ore 14:00, Erwan Rousseau (Brest) e Gianluca Pacienza (Lorraine) terranno due seminari di Geometria. 

14:00. Erwan Rousseau: An Albanese construction for Campana's C-pairs

Abstract: We will explain a construction of Albanese maps for orbifolds (or C-pairs) with applications to hyperbolicity such as a generalization of the Bloch-Ochiai theorem. (Joint with Stefan Kebekus).

15:10. Gianluca Pacienza: On the cone conjecture for Enriques manifolds

Abstract: Enriques manifolds are non simply connected manifolds whose universal cover is irreducible holomorphic symplectic, and as such they are natural generalizations of Enriques surfaces. In this talk I will report on a joint work with Alessandra Sarti in which we study the Morrison-Kawamata cone conjecture for such manifolds using the analogous result (established by Amerik-Verbitsky) for their universal cover.

Il seminario si svolgerà in presenza nell'aula M1. Per ulteriori informazioni, e per richiedere il link Teams per seguire il seminario online, si può contattare gli organizzatori all'email