EU citizens or non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy

Admission to corsi di laurea (first cycle/Bachelor Degrees) and corsi di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico (5 years single cycle/combined Bachelor and Master Degrees)

The degree courses may require alternatively an:

  1. Admission test: compulsory and selective
  2. Assessment test: compulsory but not selective

Specific documents requested for the admission:

  • High school diploma, with official translation into Italian and consular legalization by the Italian Embassy/Consulate abroad for other languages than those indicated in the “Link identifier #identifier__130656-3HOW TO APPLY” guide for students with a foreign qualification;

The years of schooling for admission to degree courses must be at least 12.

For qualifications obtained at the end of a school period of less than 12 years, students must provide, in addition to the original diploma of secondary studies, also the academic certification attesting the passing of all the exams:

    • of the first year of university studies, in the case of the local 11-year-old school system;
    • of the first two academic years, in the case of a local school system of 10 years.

For further information: foreign qualifications valid for access to universities Link identifier #identifier__41136-4Procedure per l’ingresso, il soggiorno e l’immatricolazione degli studenti stranieri/internazionali ai corsi di formazione superiore in Italia ; Annexes 1 and 2.Link identifier #identifier__12994-5

  •  Certificate stating the passing of the national university entrance examination, if required in the country of origin

Admission to corsi di laurea magistrale (second cycle/Master’s Degrees)

The degree course may require alternatively an:

  • Admission test: compulsory and selective
  • Assessment of access requirements

Specific documents requested for the admission:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in a field compatible with that of the chosen master’s degree course (see link to the didactic regulations in the calls for admission to study courses), with official translation into Italian and consular legalization for other languages than those indicated in the “Link identifier #identifier__20648-7HOW TO APPLY” guide for students with a foreign qualification;
  2. Certificate issued by the competent University certifying the exams passed (transcript of records), as well as for each discipline, the programs (detailed description) for the achievement of the aforementioned degree, or Diploma Supplement if available.

University fees

All the degree courses offered by Roma Tre include a registration fee of about 2,000 Euro per year divided into 4 installments.

All necessary information on fees are available on Link identifier #identifier__193211-9 .
On Link identifier #identifier__139575-10 you can find all the information to present the ISEE and have discounts based on your income bracket.
On Link identifier #identifier__41805-11 you will find the Tax Regulations, which contains all the information and regulations on student contributions.

Scholarships/Lodging grants

The Lazio region offers scholarships and lodging grants through Link identifier #identifier__101269-12LazioDisco. All information on LazioDisco website at Link identifier #identifier__81046-13 The call is published every year in the month of July.


Informazioni di sistema 21 June 2023