General Information on the Services Offered
The University encourages enrollment of students with disabilities through economic benefits and personal services along with the implementation of innovative technologies for online teaching and distance learning.
The Rector’s Delegate for Disability, Specific Learning Disorders and Inclusion Support acts plays a guiding role for policies concerning the integration and inclusion of people with disabilities studying and working at the University. The services are managed by the Office of Students with Disabilities and SLD, coordinated by the Responsible of Directorate 7.
Each Department has an appointed Professor ( contact person ) who plays the role of mediator to overcome educational difficulties that may be encountered during the course of studies.
In compliance with Law 17/99 – which supplements Law 104/92 – specific services are organized and provided to facilitate the integration and inclusion into University life for students with documented disabilities (equal to or greater than 66%) enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Single cycle and Master’s degree. The final objective is to allow equal education opportunities and participation through social integration. In compliance with current legislation, Roma Tre university is particularly attentive to facilitating access to its locations, including those subject to historical and artistic constraints.
To facilitate university attendance and help promote equal access to achieve educational success for each student, the following services are provided.
You must register to access the above services.
Admission and enrollment details are available in the Call for Admissions for each program and course. The online application form must be correctly filled out in the section regarding disability, specifying the kind of disability and its entity (percentage).
Those who have disabilities as described in Law 104/1992 and subsequent amendments and addendums, must make a specific request for the aids, compensatory tools and dispensation measures in order to sit the admission test.
The request must be made online at the same time with the registration for the test: it is necessary to fill in the application form the “Request for Assistance” section and attach certification related to one’s disability status issued by the competent public body. Candidates residing abroad must submit the above described certificate issued in the country in which they reside, along with a certified translation into Italian or English.
University Tuition and Fees
Students with disabilities are entitled to total exemption of tuition and fees if the following conditions are met:
- Declared handicap as acknowledged by Article 3, Paragraph 1 of Law Number 104 dated February 5, 1992
- Disability greater than 66%
- Disability between 33% and 65% and with ISEE less than or equal to € 30.000,00
Upon enrollment/registration only the 16.00 € fixed government tax (bollo) must be paid.
Students with a disability between 33% and 65% and an ISEE of more than 30.000,00 € are entitled to partial exemption of tuition and fees.
All information on Tuition and Fees are available in the Student Portal Tuition-fees. Details on tuition rates and calculation of additional fees are available in the Tuition and Fees (University Taxes) Regulation available on the dedicated page (tax brackets table – University Tax Regulation).
Additional Information and Assistance
For information on services provided by the University to facilitate attendance and integration:
Students with Special Needs Office– Student Affairs Division
For administrative information on applications, enrollment, tuition – fees as well as course study:
Area Studenti (Student Office) – Student Secretariat
Vademecum (Italian version) to promote inclusion for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)
- Project “CASD“
- Project “Open doors at Roma Tre”
Video contributions
Video contributions on disabilty and SLD
- dott. Vittorio Calaprice (European Commission Representative in Italy)
- prof. Pietro Chiurazzi (Prof. at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, experienced geneticist