Students personal account

University Roma Tre offers its students the opportunity to perform online several administrative procedures, from enrolment to graduation, avoiding unnecessary moving to the Registrar’s office.

It’s possibile to access your reserved area with SPID or CIE (Electronic Identity Card) credentials.

Follow this link to get SPID credentials.

Follow this link to get CIE (Electronic Identity Card).

For non-Italian citizens, it is instead necessary to follow the registration procedure, at the end of which access credentials (Roma3Pass) will be issued.

Access personal account area

To access personal account area just connect to the following address:

Before the access to the online services, please read the instructions:  How to register on the Portal

The access to online services is not available for students enrolled according to the old academic system, except for the enrolled students in Humanities Science.

If there is a technical problem in accessing online services, please fill in the assistance request form or fix an appointment with the helpdesk IT services.


The access credentials (Roma3Pass) must be stored taking care not to disclose them to third parties, they provide access to all the available computer services. You can always recover your access credentials or change your password. It is recommended to change the password at least once a year

The first access to your personal account using SPID credentials or the electronic identity card (CIE) entails the creation of Roma3Pass credentials. Please refer to the following guide to find out the steps to be taken to access the RomaTrePass account and to set the relevant password through SPID: (italian version)

App for Android and IOS

 It is possible to carry out several procedures through Gomp app within Android and IO

Diego Nobile 06 May 2024