What to do before coming and upon arriving at Roma Tre

What to do before coming to Roma Tre (Application Form)

If you are going to spend your Exchange study period at Roma Tre, you must ensure that your University communicated officially your nomination by e-mail to our Office – Students with Foreign Qualification and Mobility Programmes Office (mobilita.internazionale@uniroma3.it) . Thereafter you must fill in the Application form on line.

Application Form deadlines:

  • March 30 to June 15 for students arriving in the first semester or for the entire academic year
  • September 30 to November 1 for students arriving in the second semester

Roma Tre offers free Italian language courses for Exchange students. In order to attend the Italian language courses, you must enroll in advance in the Centro Linguistico website.

It is necessary to make sure you have a valid health insurance in Italy (before leaving, check that there is an agreement with the Italian State).

What to do upon arriving at Roma Tre (Enrollment)

To be enrolled as Exchange student , it is necessary to send a ticket through helpdesk uploading a copy of the following compulsory documents (please in only one attachment):

  • proof of your arrival in Rome (flight ticket and boarding pass, train ticket, bus ticket, etc);
  • copy of Identity card/passport.

Exchange  incoming students will receive a certificate attesting their enrolment at Roma Tre. Thereafter they will receive an e-mail with a User Id and a password to access their Reserved Area.
Through the Student Portal students will be able to check constantly their academic career, enroll for exams and print certificates such as the Transcript of Records.

Updated information on Roma Tre regulations related to Covid-19 are available at this webpage.

Informazioni di sistema 16 December 2022