Isee declaration submission

The Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) certificate for study purposes (ISEE- University) is necessary to assess students’ family financial situation to determine tuition fees and other benefits for the right to university education. 

Applicant will be asked to fill in a form, the “Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica -DSU“, a declaration which contains all the necessary information (family income and assets) to determine ISEE. DSU certificate is valid from the time of submission until the following December 31. The declaration submitted by December 31, is valid for the current academic year. 

When To Submit Isee Declaration    

The ISEE declaration must be submitted every year by 15 October or postponed to the next available working day if falling on Saturdays or holidays (the date of submission of DSU certificate to CAF (Tax Assistance Centre) or INPS website will be taken as proof, not the response of the ISEE amount determined by INPS). 

The student will be placed in the highest bracket in case of failure to submit the ISEE certification except for cases of optional submission for certain types of total and partial exemptions. For freshmen, the deadline is set at 60 days from the enrollment date. If the ISEE is submitted after the October 15 deadline, a progressive penalty fee applies based on the delay as follows: 

Days of delayPenalty amount  Deadline
Up to 60 days120,00 € 

30 days from the date of acquisition of the ISEE declaration

From 61 to 120150,00 €
Over 120180,00 €

Fine is not charged to those who: 

  • have applied for graduation for a previous academic session; 
  • are attending a foreign university as part of an international mobility agreement during the ISEE submission period.  

 Submission Procedures

The ISEE for university benefits must be submitted either at authorized Tax Assistance Centres (CAF) or online through the INPS website within the specified deadlines. Authorization must be granted to the University to acquire the data from the INPS database through the student’s personal account on the Student Portal.  

For foreign/non-resident students or those with incomes earned abroad, who belong to families including individuals without a tax code issued by the Revenue Agency, Roma Tre University has concluded an agreement with the following CAF that allows foreign/non-resident students to use the service for free. 

Interested students can contact the Rome headquarter CAF CISL located in Via G.M. Crescimbeni 17/Ai, 27 at the following number, tel. 06 20191910. Hereinafter a list of CAF CISL located in Rome: Rome Caf Cisl         

Both EU and non-EU citizens with incomes earned abroad who are recipients of  DiSCo Lazio scholarships must perform the same procedure as for ISEE submission.  

Important notes:  

  • The calculation of ISEE for university benefits may take up to 15 working days by INPS.
  • Even if the authorization procedure described above is not completed by October 15, but the ISEE declaration has been submitted at a CAF or online on the INPS website by that deadline, no penalty is incurred. 
  •  Ensure that the requested ISEE is valid/applies to BENEFITS FOR THE RIGHT TO UNIVERSITY EDUCATION.  
  • For conflicting certifications, refer to the instructions for conflicting Isee (Italian version). The University’s Tuition Regulations, governing all aspects of tuition, are available on the Regulations page of the Student Portal (Italian version). 


The Caf (Tax Assistance Centre) will send the ISEE declaration directly to the University’s student office through the Inps portal. 

Student has to login in his personal account and check on “Autorizzo all’acquisizione telematica della banca dati” (I authorize the telematic acquisition of data). 

 Have a look at the following link on how to authorize the telematic acquisiton of data: Authorization for access to the INPS database

Eleonora Cristina Russo 22 May 2024