Admission test simulation

Degree courses of Roma Tre University foresee an admission exam according to the calls for admission. The admission exam is compulsory and selective for degree courses with restricted access: enrollment can be carried out only after passing the exam. As for degree courses with open access the admission exam is compulsory and non-selective. In the latter case, enrollment is possible even without taking the test. Failure of the test or failure to take the test entails the assignment of additional learning requirements (OFAs) learning debts that the student has to pass before completing his first academic year.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to simulate tests, to be used, as well, as proof of orientation and testing of knowledge.

Department of Architecture

Degree courses of the  Dipartimento di Architettura foresee a restricted access at national level through a ministerial call for admission (bando).
Test simulation of the admission exam, which requires an ARCHED test, can be done through CISIA platform.
To learn about the structure and topics of the ARCHED test, see the following test ARCHED

Department of Business Economics

Degree courses of the  Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bando).
Test simulation can be carried out through the following web page: I test di Roma Tre. To prepare for the test is recommended to consult the following lessons (lezioni).
The Department of Business Economics recognizes as valid for the admission to the Degree course, the TOLC-E test taken in other universities of the CISIA consortium, from first January 2023.
For further information on Degree course in Business Economics (L-18) please consult the following page.
On Cisia platform you can find the PPS (Placement Tests for students), in order to test your knowledge through the result of the test and  improve it.

Department of Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies Engineering

Degree courses of the Department of Ingegneria Civile, Informatica e delle Tecnologie Aeronautiche foresee different ways to access:

  • Degree courses in Civil Engineering and in Aeronautical and Air Transport Engineering foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bando)
    Test simulation of the admission exam, which requires a TOLC-I  test, can be done through  CISIA platform following the information published under the heading Prepararsi > Come Esercitarsi.
    On Cisia platform you can find the PPS (Placement Tests for students), in order to test your knowledge through the result of the test and  improve it.
  • Degree course in Computer Scienceforesees a restricted access according to the call for admission (bando)
    Test simulation of the admission exam, which requires a TOLC-I  test, can be done through  CISIA platform following the information published under the heading Prepararsi > Come Esercitarsi.
    On Cisia platform you can find the PPS (Placement Tests for stuents), in order to test your knowledge through the result of the test and  improve it.

Department of Economics

Degree courses of the Dipartimento di Economia foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bando)
Test simulation can be carried out through the following web page : I test di Roma Tre.

Department of Education Science

Degree courses of the  Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione foresee  the following ways to access, according to the call for admission (bandi)

Department of Humanities

Degree courses of the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici  foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bandi)
Through the following links it is possible to simulate the admission test, subdivided by degree course:

Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Degree courses of the  Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere foresee the following ways to access, according to the call for admission (bandi)

Test simulation can be carried out through the following link.

Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering

Degree courses of the  Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Elettronica e Meccanica foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bando).
Test simulation of the admission exam, which requires a TOLC-I  test, can be done through  CISIA platform following the information published under the heading Prepararsi > Come Esercitarsi.
On Cisia platform you can find the PPS (Placement Tests for students), in order to test your knowledge through the result of the test and  improve it.

Department of Law

Degree courses of the  Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bando).
Test simulation can be carried out through the following web page: I test di Roma Tre.

Department of Mathematics and Physics

Degree courses of the Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bandi).
It is possible to practice through the following link, there are a series of questions (quiz) to simulate the admission exam (simulazione delle prove di accesso).
Test simulation of the admission exam, which requires a TOLC-S test, can be done through CISIA platform following the information published under the heading Prepararsi > Come Esercitarsi.
The admission test CISIA TOLC S, TOLC B, TOLC I  ( as well as formula TOLC@CASA), taken in other universities of the CISIA consortium, are considered valid.
On Cisia platform you can find the PPS (Placement Tests for students), in order to test your knowledge through the result of the test and  improve it.

Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts

Degree courses of the Dipartimento di Filosofia, Comunicazione e Spettacolo foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bando)
Test simulation can be carried out through the following link.

Department of Political Science

Degree courses of the Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche foresee an open access, according to the call for admission (bandi )

It is possible to simulate admission test by on line (TOLC) CISIA through the following  link

Moreover, on Cisia platform you can find the PPS (Placement Tests for students), in order to test your knowledge through the result of the test and  improve it.

Department of Science

Degree courses of the  Dipartimento di Scienze foresee  the following ways to access, according to the call for admission (bandi):

  • Degree course in Optics and Optometry and the Degree course in Geological Sciences foresee an open access.
    For these Degree courses test simulation can be carried out through the following web page: I test di Roma Tre.
  • Degree course in Pharmacy (Single Cycle Degree) foresees a restricted access, according to the call for admission ( bando).
    Test simulation of the admission exam, which requires a TOLC-F test, can be done through CISIA platform following the information published under the heading Prepararsi > Come Esercitarsi.
  • Degree course in Biological Sciences foresees a restricted access, according to the call for admission (bando)

Test simulation of the admission exam, which requires a TOLC-B test, can be done through CISIA platform following the information published under the heading Prepararsi > Come Esercitarsi.

  • Degree courses in Enogastronomic Sciences and Cultures and in Sciences for the protection of Nature and Environmental sustainibility foresee a restricted access, according to the call for admission (bando )
    For these Degree courses test simulation can be carried out through the following web page: I test di Roma Tre.

For all Degree courses of the Department of Science you can find On Cisia platform, the PPS (Placement Tests for students), in order to test your knowledge through the result of the test and  improve it.



Informazioni di sistema 31 May 2023