Advances in Classical, Quantum and Statistical Mechanics. A celebration of the work and contributions of Giovanni Gallavotti. In the occasion of his 80th birthday

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 Advances in Classical, Quantum and Statistical Mechanics. A celebration of the work and contributions of Giovanni Gallavotti. In the occasion of his 80th birthday
The conference will be held in presence at the Roma Tre University, Aula Magna di Giurisprudenza, Via Ostiense 161, Roma on May 11/13, 2022.

The conference will present recent results in all aspects of mechanical sciences, from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics, from statistical physics to fluid dynamics. Its aim is to represent the breathand depth of Giovanni's contributions to Mathematics and Physics.

Luca Biferale, Serena Cenatiempo, Sergio Ciliberto, Livia Corsi, Giovanni Felder, Luigi Galgani, Ian Jauslin, Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, Joel Lebowitz, Carlangelo Liverani, Rossana Marra, Stefano Olla, Gabriella Pinzari, Marcello Porta, Michela Procesi, David Ruelle, Lucio Russo, Slava Rychkov, Laure Saint-Raymond, Benedetto Scoppola, Sergio Simonella, Balint Toth.

Further details, including the registration form, can be found on the Link identifier #identifier__22284-1webpage

The organizing committee:
Federico Bonetto, Guido Gentile, Alessandro Giuliani, Vieri Mastropietro