Applications of Electrical Properties in Planetary Geophysics

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Applications of Electrical Properties in Planetary Geophysics
Il 30 giugno il prof. David Stillman del Southwest Research Institute, Boulder (CO-USA) terrà un seminario dal titolo "Applications of Electrical Properties in Planetary Geophysics".

Abstract: The electrical properties of materials can be used to investigate the subsurface of planetary bodies. I will discuss how and why electrical properties vary with frequency and temperature and how these can be measured in a laboratory environment. I will then present how the electrical properties of materials have allowed for the study of brines in ice, brine metastability, and the deliquescence of salt. As electrical properties can be measured at radar frequencies and low frequency (DC resistivity surveys), I will discuss field applications. These include the use of a novel low-frequency method called Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) to search for the volumetric concentration of subsurface ice on the Earth and hopefully one day on Mars. I will also discuss the use of electrical properties to better constrain the results from MARSIS (an orbital sounding radar around Mars) that suggests partially-saturated brines near the South Pole of Mars. Lastly, I will discuss how the study of brines led me to investigate the origins of Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars (features that initially appeared to be summer springs running down steep slopes of Mars).

30 giugno ore 15:00 Aula C - Via della Vasca Navale, 84

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