Seminario: Social network analysis: network science and machine learning meet psychology

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Seminario: Social network analysis: network science and  machine learning meet psychology
05 Aprile 2024, ore 11.00 Sala Multimediale - Prof. Tomaso Erseghe - Department of Information Engineering University of Padova Italy.

Abstract: The study of text from a socio-psychological perspective requires deep interdisciplinary interaction between different knowledges. In this seminar we will learn the current techniques that allow extracting meaningful analytics from texts, starting from the construction of semantic network, unveiling the challenging problem of identifying the topics discussed, approaching methods to extract reliable linguistic socio-psychological markers from the text (e.g., sentiment, but many other exist). Tools ranging from network science, machine learning, and social psychology will be introduced, analysed, and discussed, showing an interesting link with many concepts available form information theory.


Link identifier #identifier__199829-1Social network analysis: network science and machine learning meet psychology