Metamorphosis in a changing world

Link identifier archive #link-archive-thumb-soap-18867
Metamorphosis in a changing world
This is an intensive school programme that consists of two week. During the first week, students will attend university lessons in the morning, discovering Rome in the afternoon, where they will practice what they previously studied. Students will work on seminars with their teachers both in class and on the site selected during the second week. Daily lectures will be led by academics from each civis university participating in the program. Seminar and workshop day will count with presentations by each intervener on the program. Several specialists and stakeholders from different disciplines and institutional backgrounds, either from europe, will be present. Applicants should be bachelor’s, master or phd students. Students from all fields of studies from other countries are welcome, but applicants must be willing to work in an international environment and to engage in teamwork from day one and throughout the whole course. Applicants should send their cv (europass format) and a motivation letter (max 500 words) by 20 april 2022 to the following email:

Rome, from June 27th to July 8th 2022
Application deadline April 20th 2022
For Link identifier #identifier__144324-1info

Link identifier #identifier__132014-2Locandina