How To Apply-Guide to the enrolment in degree courses for holders of foreign qualifications a.a. 2022/2023

How To Apply-Guide to the enrolment in degree courses for holders of foreign qualifications


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Academic Year 2022-2023

Date of last update 05/04/2022


1 – Before applying. 

1.1 – Places reserved for non-EU citizens living abroad and Chinese citizens participating in the Marco Polo Programme. 

1.2 – Pre-enrollment through the Italian Embassy/Consulate or Cultural Institute in the country of residence   

1.3 – Admission qualifications and documents requested by Roma Tre. 

1.4 – Italian language test. 

1.5 – Students enrolled at a university abroad who intend to continue their studies at Roma Tre. 

2 – Application for degree courses. 

2.1 – Registration to online services. 

2.2 – Corsi di Laurea (Bachelor’s degrees, 1st cycle) and Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico (5 years Integrated degrees, 2nd cycle). 

2.3 – Corsi di Laurea Magistrale (Master’s degrees, 2nd cycle). 

3 – Enrollment in the degree courses. 

4 – Useful contacts and information. 

4.1 – Online information. 

4.2 – Relevant Offices. 

4.3 – University email box. 

4.4 – University fees. 

4.5 – University summer closure.

1 – Before applying

It is necessary to read the Procedures for entry, residency and enrolment of international students and the respective recognition of qualifications, for higher education courses in Italy for the academic year 2022-2023 at the link

1.1 – places reserved for non-eu citizens living abroud and chinese citizens participating in the marco polo programme

The list of reserved places for each degree course with reserved access is available in the notices of admission published on the Portale dello Studente at

It is possible to enter in the degree course with free access without limits of places.

1.2 – Pre-Enrolment

Mandatory only for non-EU citizens living abroad.

Where to apply
Online through the UNIVERSITALY portal. Registration available at page

We recommend you to take note of the Admission notice, procedures and deadlines, to apply throug Universitaly at the right time.

Please Note
Italian citizens with a foreign qualification, citizens from European Union countries wherever they reside and from non-EU countries legally residing in Italy, have unlimited access to university courses if holders of a qualification corresponding to the Italian one required, provided that it is recognised as suitable according to the independent assessment carried out by the individual higher education institution. Applicants and candidates submit their application directly to the institution of higher education chosen.

1.3 – Admission qualifications and documents required by Roma Tre

Students MUST submit all documents requested in their original form or in a certified copy to the Office for Students with Foreign Qualifications and Mobility Programs to proceed with their enrolment.

Common rules

All documents together with the residence permit or identity documents have to be uploaded by the student at the moment of the registration on Gomp according to the procecedures indicated in the Admission Notice

  • All documents required may be submitted in their original form or in a certified copy;
  • Admission qualifications must be accompanied by a declaration of value issued by the responsible Italian Embassy/Consulate in the State whose legal system the qualification refers to, or by a certificate issued by ENIC-NARIC centres;
  • Unless explicitly indicated, no translation into Italian is required for titles and documents issued in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese;
  • Exam certificates (transcripts of records) and related course programmes may be replaced by the Diploma Supplement, if available;
  • Those who submit incomplete documentation or documentation that needs to be refined are conditionally registered and cannot take exams or carry out any career step until they submit all the required documentation.

Non-EU citizens living abroad and asking for a Visa, have to upload the documents of their foreign title and the eventual certificate of Italian level B2, in their application on Universitaly

Specific documents required for the admission to corsi di laurea (bachelor’s degrees, 1st cycle) and corsi di laurea magistrale e a ciclo unico (5 years integreted degrees, 2nd cycle)

  1. High school diploma, with official translation into Italian and consular legalization by the Italian Embassy/Consulate abroad for other languages than those indicated in “Common rules”, point c.

The years of schooling for admission to degree courses must be at least 12. 

For qualifications obtained at the end of a school period of less than 12 years, students must provide, in addition to the original diploma of secondary studies, also the academic certification attesting the passing of all the exams:

    • of the first year of university studies, in the case of the local 11-year-old school system;
    • of the first two academic years, in the case of a local school system of 10 years.

For further information:

  • Visit the website of the Ministry of Education, University and Research MUR – STUDENTI STRANIERI
  • Consult the foreign qualifications valid for access to universities to the link above.
  1. Certificate stating the passing of the national university entrance examination, if required in the country of origin.

Specific documents required for the admission to corsi di laurea magistrale (master’s degrees, 2nd  cycle)

  1. Bachelor’s degree in a field compatible with that of the chosen master’s degree course (see link to the didactic regulations in the calls for admission to study courses), with official translation into Italian and consular legalization for other languages than those indicated in “Common rules”, point c.;
  2. Certificate issued by the competent University certifying the exams passed (transcript of records), as well as for each discipline, the programs (detailed description) for the achievement of the aforementioned degree, or Diploma Supplement if available.

The original documentation or certified copy must be submitted to the Ufficio Studenti con titolo estero for the enrolment, if not already done before.

Admission will not be confirmed until the requested documentation on foreign qualifications has been submitted, and it is in any case subject to the verification of its validity.

The university may carry out checks at any time during a student’s career and act appropriately in the event of any anomalies relating to the admission qualifications.

1.4 – Italian language

To enroll in all  degree corsee completely held in  Iitalian a minimum level of B1 in Italian Language is required

Italian language test a.y. 2022-2023

The test is compulsory and selective only for non-EU citizens applying for visas who intend to enrol in first cycle/Bachelor and single cycle/combined Bachelor and Master degree courses taught in Italian. They cannot take the admission/evaluation tests, nor enrol, if they do not pass it.

Date, place and time of the test

Test dates

  • 21 June 2022
  • 19 July 2022

Registration to the test

To participate in the test it is required to:

  1. register with the online services of Roma Tre through the link, following the instructions on the page Come registrarsi sul Portale – Portale dello Studente ( At the end of the registration you will receive an e-mail with USERNAME & PASSWORD;
  2. register for the test by accessing your Reserved Area from the IMMATRICOLAZIONE section in the following periods:
Test dateRegistration startRegistration deadline

The above described procedure is the only procedure for enrolling in the Italian language test. If you have problems accessing the online procedures, you can request assistance at the linkk

The test

The test adopted is the online TEST ITA-L2@CASA test developed by CISIA. Information on the contents and modalities of the test are available on the CISIA website.

The cases of exemption are described in Parte III of the interministerial provisions at the following link Studenti Stranieri Miur (

Certificates of knowledge of the Italian language, level B2 or higher, issued by Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Università per Stranieri di Perugia or Società Dante Alighieri, must be uploaded at the time of submitting the application online for admission (see 2 – Application for degree courses  of this Guide).

1.5 – Students enrolled at a university abroad who intend to continue their studies at Roma tre

  1. Apply for pre-enrolment at the chosen degree course (ONLY for non-EU citizens living abroad who apply for a visa);
  2. Apply next for admission to the chosen degree course and follow the provisions for enrolment in the call for applications “per trasferimento, passaggio e abbreviazione di carriera” a.y. 2022-2023 published on the Portale dello Studente at the following link

2 – Application for degree courses

2.1 – Registration to on line services


  • – Corsi di Laurea (Bachelor’s degrees, 1st cycle) and Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico (5 years Integrated degrees, 2nd cycle)

Entrance test

The degree course may require alternatively an:

  • Admission test: compulsory and selective;
  • Assessment test: compulsory but not

Both admission and assessment tests are compulsory.

The admission to degree courses is subject to passing (numerus clausus degree courses) the entrance tests or participating (unlimited places degree courses) in the entrance tests, as well as to passing the Italian language test if non-EU citizens resident abroad.

Test dates and procedures are published on the Portale dello Studente at the following link:

An adapted version in English language of the admission notice will be available on the Student Portal at the link

The  definitve enrollment in the degree courses will take place only for those students who receive the Visa for  study and have with success passed the Italian  Language test  and have shown the documents of their foreign  title to the Office.

Registration to the entrancetestto the degree corses 

The procedures for registration to the admission tests and the related deadlines are indicated in the calls for admission to the degree courses published at the following link:

Please, follow the instructions for online procedures available in the Portale dello Studente at the following link:

If you need help, you may open a  ticket  or send an email to with re : “problemi iscrizione prova”.

The day of the test keep with you:

  • A valid passport or identity document (the same is indicated online at the time of application);
  • The payment receipt of the test registration fee (30 euros), only for courses that require such payment, as provided for in the notices of admission to the degree courses.

Test result

Test result is available online in your online reserved area.

  • – Corsi di Laurea Magistrale (Master’s degrees, 2nd cycle)

Qualifications requestedfor the admission

In order to access any Corso di Laurea Magistrale it is necessary to possess an academic qualification equivalent to at least a first cycle, as well as the curricular requirements requested by the didactic regulations of the courses themselves. Some courses may also include an entrance test. All indications are contained in the calls for admission published at the link

Please take note that some Master degree courses may foreseen an assessment test. All information in the call for admission.

An adapted version in English language of the admission notice will be available on the Student Portal at the link

Aapplication for admission

The procedures and deadlines for the submission of the application for admission to the degree courses are indicated in the calls for admission published at

For online procedures, please follow the instructions at

It is mandatory to complete the online application with the upload of the PDF copy of:

  1. Transcript of records
  2. Detailed programmes of the courses related to passed exams

The Diploma Supplement, if available, may replace both documents.

If you need help, you may open a  ticket to or send an email to with: “PROBLEMI DOMANDA AMMISSIONE LM”.

Aapplication result 

There are two possible outcomes:
  • Ammissione sotto condizione (conditioned admission)
  • Non ammissione (non-admission): you cannot enroll in the chosen master’s degree course.

The ammissione sotto condizione (conditioned admission) occurs when:

  1. Verification of foreign academic qualification must be completed.
  2. Some curriculum requirements for access are lacking and must be acquired before enrolment in the chosen master’s degree program. To do so, you can enroll in specific single courses (corsi singoli) indicated by the degree course, attend the relevant lessons and take the relevant exams. If you pass all the exams of the single courses assigned by March 2023, you can enroll in the chosen degree course by 31 March 2023. For assistance on enrolment in single courses and for enrolment under condition in the chosen master’s degree course, please contact the Ufficio Studenti con Titolo Estero;

The application result is available online in your online reserved area.

3 – Enrolment in the degree courses

Enrolment is subject to the issuance of a visa for study purposes for the A. Y. 2022-2023.

Enrolment procedures and the related deadlines are available in the calls for admission published at

For online procedures, please follow the instructions at

If you need help, you may open a  ticket to or send an email to with RE: “PROBLEMI IMMATRICOLAZIONE”.

4 – Useful contacts and information

4.1 – Online information 

Official information are available only on:


Ufficio Studenti con Titolo Estero e Programmi di Mobilità d’Ateneo


Address: Via Ostiense, 129

Online Front Office through Teams at the webpage
Information on how to access the Front-Office Teams Service and all other ways to contact us are available at the webpage

Piazza Telematica d’Ateneo

Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo (CLA)

Ufficio Studenti con disabilità e DSA


4.3 – University email box

after enrolment in Roma Tre, a free of charge email address ( is automatically assigned. To access the email box, use the username and password obtained after registration at the online services.

You must ALWAYS use this email to communicate with Roma Tre offices, because they cannot reply to personal addresses.

Instructions for activating the e-mail address are available on the Portale dello Studente at

4.4 – University fees

All tax rules are contained in the Regolamento Tasse (Tax Regulations) published on the Portale dello Studente.

Fees are calculated based on the ISEE value. It is necessary to submit the ISEE statement for University within the deadlines indicated in the Tax Regulations. During registration, the university must be authorized to obtain the declaration from the INPS database. Failure to submit the declaration will result in the charging the maximum fee rate.

Foreign students not resident in Italy or with income earned abroad, whose family unit includes persons not in possession of a tax code issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate, must submit the ISEE statement following the instructions published on the Student Portal at EU and non-EU students with income produced abroad winners of DiscoLazio scholarship must submit the ISEE statement as well.

4.5 – University summer clousure

The University is closed from August 6th until 21st .

RICCARDO ROMANO 21 Aprile 2022