European History Master. Summer School in European History

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European History Master. Summer School in European History
Dal 17 al 21 giugno 2024 il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici ospita l'annuale Summer School del Joint Degree in European History.

Studenti e docenti delle università che fanno parte del consorzio partecipano a gruppi di discussione, conferenze, visite guidate.

Interverrano studenti e docenti del Master in European History provenienti dalle università partner, come la Humboldt University di Berlino, Tor Vergata, Université de Paris, Università di Belgrado, Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Dublin City University.

From 17 to 21 June the Department of Humanities is hosting the annual Summer School of the Master of Arts in European History.
Students and professors from the European History MA member universities (such as Humboldt University of Berlin, Roma Tor Vergata, Université de Paris Cité, University of Belgrade, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Dublin City University) will participate in discussion groups, conferences, guided tours.


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