Prevention and protection measures relating to Covid-19 risk at University Roma Tre

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Prevention and protection measures relating to Covid-19 risk at University Roma Tre
This document provides information on the measures adopted at University Roma Tre for prevention and protection against COVID- 19 infection.
The prevention and protection measures refer, for more detail, to the Link identifier #identifier__9711-1Protocol preventing Sars-Cov-2 contagion at University of Roma Tre in compliance with the updated national provisions (D.L. del 24/03/2022, n.24)

·        As of 1 May 2022 there is no longer the obligation to exhibit the Green Pass to access the university premises. It is recommended to wear face masks in all indoor areas of the university till 15 June 2022.
·        No access to university premises is allowed to anyone in the following conditions:
-      positive to SARS-CoV-2;
-      isolation ordered by health authorities;
-      a body temperature higher than 37.5°C, temperature check could be required upon entry;
-      influenza-like symptoms (cough, cold, sore throat, alterations in smell or taste, gastrointestinal symptoms);                            
Anyone accessing University premises confirms not being in any of the situations listed above.
·         Avoid crowds
·         Wash hands frequently
·         Enhance a proper ventilation indoors
·         It is compulsory to wear face masks while using elevators
·        Lectures of first and second cycle degree programmes and single cycle degree programmes, PhD, advanced education courses are held in classrooms, it is possible to follow lectures online upon request to be submitted to the teacher or to the Department student office.
·        The use of face masks is compulsory during lectures in classrooms or in teaching labs.
·        It is recommended to all students the adoption of prevention and protection measures for the health of everyone. Dispensers of hydroalcoholic solution for hand hygiene are available near the entrances of classrooms and teaching labs in order to encourage frequent hands hygiene.
Indoor Outdoor teaching labs
·        Access to teaching labs is allowed only to booked students whose maximum number is specified by signage attached at the entrance of each teaching laboratory.  
·        If the specific activity or equipment requires shared use it is necessary to use, for all participants, single-use gloves
Outdoor teaching labs
·        Teaching staff and students have to wear face masks in case adequate interpersonal distance cannot be maintained
·        Access to outdoor teaching labs is allowed to a fixed number of students whose number is decided by the responsible of the outdoor teaching lab
·        If it is necessary students’ use of their own vehicle to reach the place chosen by the responsible of the outdoor teaching lab, it is recommended to drivers and passengers to wear face masks and to ventilate the cabin


·        Written and oral exams will be held in person, during the exams is strongly recommended the use of face masks for teachers and students.
·        The exam is scheduled according to the usual terms, estimating the number of students booked, possibly with more shifts or different days.
·        It is possible to ask attending the exam online if the student is unable to attend the exam in person for specific non-generic reasons related to pandemic, for instance:
-      positive to SARS-CoV-2;
-      quarantine
-      flu-like symptoms (cough, cold, sore throat, alterations in smell or taste, gastrointestinal symptoms)
In this event, the student should ask the teacher, by e-mail within the expiring date of the exams booking or as soon as possible, to attend the exam online enclosing relevant documentation stating the non-generic reasons justifying the request.
Final examinations
·        Final examinations will be held in person
·        Each student can ask the participation of a maximum of 4 guests, upon online booking
·        During the exams is strongly recommended the use of face masks for teachers and students
·        Celebrations and gatherings both indoor and outdoor inside the University spaces are not allowed
·        Students unable to attend final examination in presence for specific reasons not related to pandemic may be exempt. In this case the student should ask the Department student office of his course catalogue, by e-mail within the expiring date of the final examination booking, to attend the exam online enclosing relevant documentation stating the non-generic reasons justifying the request.
·        The seating arrangement in study spaces such as libraries, reading rooms or study spots located in Departments are free taking account of the planned capacity
·        It is recommended to all students, as they are common areas, the adoption of prevention and protection measures listed above
·        It is recommended to use face masks
·        In the event of positivity to Sars-Cov-2, the student shall refer to his doctor and to all his contacts who shall be in isolation
·        Inform University Security Office (email: Link identifier
·        For readmission to University’s premises, the student must send to the abovementioned e-mail the certificate of recovery issued by his doctor (Medico di Medicina Generale)